Got it.

Volume 2 was delivered to me 3 days after I left for vacation, if it wasn’t for my big heart neighbor, the package would have either got soaked by the rain, stolen, or shit on vandalized by the very same neighbor’s dogs. So, just got home, opened the ‘carefully packed‘ goods and took some pictures, here’s the sneak peaks.

Also, Volume 1 + 2 (buy it and support the author if you can!)

I apologize for taking an untimely vacation and was unable to give those who waited for Bu ni mi the next update m(>.<)m Another thing, I screwed up the contents(chapters) I’ve listed under volume one and I’ll be soon put them in the correct place. Also, I’m sorry, but the picture I’ve posted a couple days ago wasn’t me. It was my cousin who went with me and my other cousins on the boat trip into the mountain xD You guys didn’t have to be so means =.=”

About Binhjamin

Lone TL seeking Dragon's blood.
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13 Responses to Got it.

  1. Mincheriit says:

    3 CHEERS FOR NEIGHBOR SAMA HIP HIP HURRAY. how is a vacation untimely? DONT MATTER. you had a nice safe(hopefully) enjoyable vacation.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Passerby says:



  3. Kazekid says:

    Yes! More Diadora!


  4. lordcattank says:

    are you still doing bu ni mi I liked that one

    Liked by 2 people

  5. orihalium says:

    that packaging though…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. blackrose156 says:

    At least you got it! I’m super happy, more chapters yay!


  7. SigFig says:

    BIIINH!!! LET ME PROOFREAD CHAPTER 3 AND 4 OF BU NI MI!!!! Btw its me DanVrh/Dave Rogers.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. RyuGen says:

    Well god dayum Diadora looks hawt that pic alone is enough for me XD thanks Binhjamin.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. LEECHER says:

    now that your back how was the vacation?? and when would the nu ni mi uploaded??


  10. LEECHER says:

    now that your back how was the vacation?? and when would the bu ni mi uploaded??


  11. Derp says:

    Its been a week without an update i’m getting worried


  12. r1c3cak3s says:

    Ohhhhhhhh Diadora~


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