
Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei

「さようなら竜生 こんにちは人生」

Good Bye Dragon Life Hello Human Life

Author: Hiroaki Nagashima(永島 ひろあき)


        The oldest and strongest Dragon grew tired of living choose to die when the Heroes come for his life. When the Dragon’s soul is waiting to drift toward the Sea of Soul, that is when it noticed it has been reborn into a Human baby. The Dragon then decided to live a life as a Human to its fullest, and regained his will to live. The Dragon was born into the child of a farmer lives his life in the frontier possessing enormous amount of power due to his soul is still a Dragon’s. He then encounter the Demon of the Lamia race, fairies, Black Rose, and later enter the Magic Academy. The man who’s soul is of a Dragon lives his life in joy going to Magic Academy, spending time with an old friend, The Earth Goddess, meets beautiful girls, strong classmates, the Dragon King and the Queen of Vampires.

Sayonara Ryuu-page-8

SRKJ Volume 1 Download by Rattenfanger PDF

Volume 1 (WN equivalent of LN.)

Volume 2 (WN)

115 Responses to [S-R-K-J]

  1. Pingback: Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei – Chapter 7 | Binhjamin

  2. G4merSylver says:

    I’ve started wondering… Is it efficient to translate via translation-tools such as bing-translate or google translate? I heard that the meaning of words in japanse will change based on context… How do u translate? Via Tools or dod u learn it? And does proofreading mean reading the Orginal & Translation or the trans. And fixing the grammar &co?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bnguyen14 says:

      It can be effective to use Google translate, Bing translator, and other machine translation programs, if you know the basics of how they operate. Most of them simply smash together the first definition of the word and give you a sentence ignoring all the grammars differences existed in the original language. One word/character(text) in Japanese most of the times hold many different meanings, and yes it all depend on the context where it is uses. I translate using my prior knowledge of Japanese by taking one year course in University, and also with the help of http://nihongo.j-talk.com/ This site convert the text into Romanji which is so much better to work with and at the same time, provide me with the definition to the vocabs I’m lacking in.

      Proofreading do not require someone to read the original text and compare it with the translated text. However, what it means to me is getting “my” editors to edits it for grammars, typos, and over all, making sure the story flow well.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ayashi says:

        Bing and google might, and i stress the “might” “maybe” “potencially”, give a somewhat readable result, but if you have (very) little or no knowlegde at all of japanese, ATLAS is much better. Translator aggregator + atlas + jparsec + mecab for best results.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Caleb says:

        you only took one year of Japanese? wow, props to you. Also, enjoying the story so thank you.


  3. MyNameIsBill says:

    I just would like to thank you for translating this series. It gives a pretty nice twist to the ol’ reincarnation into a “new world” genre.

    I linked this page and your project onto Reddit in hopes of it becoming more popular :).


  4. The translation notes between you guys in the google docs version crack me up.


  5. hamadaanime says:

    i want to read ch 2,3,4
    wen will i can do that


  6. nico says:

    when will you add chapter 4?

    thanks for translating


  7. nico says:

    the link to chapter 4 is sending me to chapter 3


  8. applemania says:

    First of all thankyou for the translation. I really like dran. He is so mature. Its fresh reading a story anoit man whom not heavily influenced by hormon. One thing for sure, please do not put much spoiler on ary. Anyway i will promote this novel anywhere i can be. Thanks agin for the translation.


    • bnguyen14 says:

      That summary is taken directly off of the front page of the Japanese site. I feel like readers are entitle to the information and what they can expect from the story.

      Liked by 1 person

      • applemania says:

        I just read 10 pages from the animesuki thread forum. Hmm quite the thread has a lively chat going on. Ok summarry. This is what i tought before knowing that the summary is indeed the real. Because the tension that author build on chapter 6-7. About a certain girl who picks dran awesome interest. I am still lingering between this or that. But the summary answer my mystery huahahah.

        Anyway mr nguyen you are awesomr and please forgive this little one complaing. If somehow this post upset you please delete it. Then i will upload again post again my appreciation. Anyway thanks for getting tramslate this novel. I read how hard it is for you to rramslate this novel from animesuki. Yes and thank you


  9. goblinrou says:

    Thx for the translation,man! It’s refreshing to see a protagonist who isn’t insecure/driven by revenge/ has lower body control issues.


  10. a mature protag who thinks and plans his way through is refreshing.

    not to mention less teenage angst and existentialism.

    thank you so much for translating this.


  11. muelproject says:

    The man who’s soul is of a Dragon lives his life in joy going to Magic Academy,,,
    if it’s true then cristine include,,
    but i like selia, hope she can join too


  12. Cloud says:

    Hi, i was reconmended to this series when looking for nv to read, and… BAM hooked on to it. Its quite interesting to read so thanks for translating.
    Oh and just a suggestion, dont you think it would be better to have a next/previous chapter button available to make it easier to navigate? Just imagine when the number of chapter increased….


  13. Alex says:

    Hi there! I came here from Yoraikun page and have to say this story sounds really fun! (kind of like Mushoku Tensei but with faster pace)
    I have a final at the uni tomorrow but I will dedicate some time to find some typos after that.
    Anyway, please keep translating this great series and OMG you left us with such a cliffhanger at the end of episode 8… xD
    Hope to see the end of the battle before christmas (don’t know if that’s asking too much though =P) and thank you for your work!


  14. Alex says:

    Ok, I’m free now! I found a few things in the summary but I may be wrong because english is not my native language.

    I’ll check the chapters later but not so much the phrases and more the typos. =D


  15. mizzu321 says:

    i want to ask, is dran reborn in the same world as the heroes who killed him, or different/parallel world??

    Sry for my Bad english.


  16. FuzionReaktor says:

    Thanks for the great translation, I’m really enjoying this series.


  17. nzmanhdee says:

    Nice plot, The story is progressing nicely, too bad I can’t read Japanese. Bnguyen14, you rock, I finally have something to wait for.


  18. Rimon says:

    thanks for the hard work…..the novel is awesome :)


  19. Firo's Ahoge says:

    Can I be an editor? Editing is pretty easy compared to translating as long as I don’t have to look at the source language.


  20. Taylor J says:

    where can i read the unedited version


  21. eagle0108 says:

    chapter 10 is next to chapter 1 just letting you know


  22. Ric says:

    Hello dear translator!
    I am a long time fan and patron of your website.
    Thank you for your hard work.
    When can we expect your next translation of chapter 10?


  23. guest4321 says:

    hey there, I just wanted to say thank you for the translations, and I look forward to your future releases :D


  24. Pingback: Reincarnation based stories | Katamari WN reading

  25. nzmanhdee says:

    Please release Chapter 11.


  26. nzmanhdee says:

    Chapter 11, is it going to be released tonight? There is only like 200+ words to translate + some edit.


  27. anonymous says:

    release on google drive and let the community mass edit your work


  28. Firo's Ahoge says:

    Thanks for translating chapter 11 binhjamin! Can you release it on your google drive so we can read or edit it?


  29. Flatmo says:

    So whom of the three Light Novels do you want to focus on translating?


  30. guest4321 says:

    still love your translations

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Anon says:

    Is it possible for you to grant us access to the unedited version of chapter 12?


    • bnguyen14 says:

      I wait at least 2-4 days until posting unedited version on G-Doc if no editor is working on it, else I will only post edited version. The chapter is long so understand my reasoning.


  32. novasion says:

    Can you tell the full name of the work you are doing with Re: ?


    • bnguyen14 says:

      1. 進化の実~知らないうちに勝ち組人生~
      2. Shinka no Mi ~Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei~
      3.The Seed of Evolution ~Before I knew it I was one of the champions~

      One quick google search :3


  33. assm ah says:

    I just would like to thank you for translating this series..
    It’s refreshing to see a a mature and cool protag who is good at using his mind and plans his way through


  34. Alex says:

    Wow… He looks really bad ass in that picture… Both his human and dragon form… I’d imagined him more puny =P


  35. Binhjamin says:

    Keep it away! xD


  36. Someone says:

    its been a while since chapter 13 have been at 50%. is it alright if you can tell me the estimated time for when the new chapter will be released?


  37. Harry Haran says:

    Can any one tell me how to convert scanned image file to text so that i can try to translate bcuz when i try to convert one page japense raw light novel page which is a scanned page i cannot get correct sentence since all letters are from top to bottom like e
    i want to know how to convert those above letter in top to bottom format to normal format pl anyone heip me if


  38. Ray says:

    Wow thanks for translating and the pics ^^


  39. agila0212 says:

    Thank you for translating this wonderful LN. Keep it up!


  40. fgundam says:

    hey how come i cant read ch.13 (Y_Y)


  41. imaginexbreaker says:

    …..is the password protected ch 13 your idea for april fools!? I wanna read it T_T


  42. geezrock says:

    U dont have to torture us binhjamin
    Come on, not all here are smart that can break ur riddle


  43. onna says:

    is it april fool? or is it any riddle behind it…? please give me one the riddle ><


  44. Rinne says:

    Bihnjamin could you post the link you used to purchase the LN of sayonara ryuusei no jinsei


  45. lordaethis says:

    this is so cruel… spent entire day working on an assignment tcecked yay its out then Fuck You, you cruel person… in a way id rather it was an april fool

    Liked by 1 person

  46. anon? says:

    Binh, can you post all the ilustrations in the novel here? make something like a illustration page.. Thanks


  47. MAD says:

    So april fool on the second day? YES!


  48. MAD says:

    Is it rly no such a thing as chapter 13?


  49. Justin says:

    Christina and dran..look exactly like I imagined them to.


  50. The Handsome guy and don't be jealous says:

    I have to stop reading just to comment this
    It would be nice if you remove the unneeded editor’s note i can understand the translators note because it explains the details of the story but the Editor’s note is nonsense so it would be nice if stop it and remove those editors note


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