For you Bu-ni-mi-dynamite people who kept throwing explosive questions at me. Also, League of Ladder.

For those who are still wondering if Bu ni mi is dropped, please head on over to Raltzero. I guarantee he has that ‘martial arts’ you guys crave so much for. You shoutacon and lolicon. x3

I’m taking half today off from work to climb the League ladder xD Wanna get to gold….so close yet so far away. Carry pls. >_< Summoner name = Binhjamin

No time to waste, I’m going in!

Sorry buddy(talking to you, slave), I have no time to help you translating right now. Gj on making it to page 3.

About Binhjamin

Lone TL seeking Dragon's blood.
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24 Responses to For you Bu-ni-mi-dynamite people who kept throwing explosive questions at me. Also, League of Ladder.

  1. lol you should ahve asked earlier


  2. Mach says:

    Ewww, league… (jk) GL HF, beware of flamers :V


  3. raltzero says:

    Am I dis slave :<


  4. Kasinki says:

    Thank you for your hard work as always!
    I mean yeah that sounds sarcastic but really, what you DID WAS brilliant. All those translating?
    Really, thank you so much.
    And now, to continue the waiting game :>

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Huru says:

    If you happen to get to gold, I can play a couple of rank with you. =/


  6. goblinrou says:

    So is your main Shyvana? Haha


  7. bata says:

    it would be better if you just drop all your projects
    even if the theres little chance that someone else get then
    its better than whats like now, the last update was at the beggining of august…
    not blaming you or anything but if you dont plan to translate anymore just be true with us

    Liked by 1 person

  8. zaxthealien says:

    I’m not shoutacon or lolicon, but i’ll head there.


  9. tarmizie34 says:

    Stay in bronze or silver casul

    Liked by 1 person

  10. All Night says:

    This is Binhjamin’s usual speed. Your gonna have to deal. This is why I check back every 1 month or more.


  11. Kensei Seraph says:

    Thanks for letting us know.


  12. He didn’t make it QQ

    Liked by 1 person

  13. toriko says:

    are you still working on srkj?


  14. Asf says:

    This site is some of the slowest translation project there is.. the ones that havent been dropped that is…
    Not about half a year per chapter slow… but still… its close


  15. Castile says:

    What’s a league of latter?


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